Jolles & Ko Accountants

Year calendar


February 1st.

Depositing publication report year before last year at the Chamber of Commerce


Drawing up publication report and relevant minutes of the general shareholders meeting

April 1st.

Filing income tax returns previous year


Delay settlement until May 1st next year for entrepreneurs and their partner

April 1st.

Ending of delay settlement for the previous year

Companies, entrepreneurs, managing directors and their partners

Electronically submitting the tax return

April 1st.

Drawing up a preparatory agreement fort the establishment of a company

Entrepreneurs who wish to bring the entrepreneurship into a private company with retrospective from January 1st.

Drawing up en registering preminalary contracts.

June 1st.

Drawing up annual accounts


Extending the minutes of the general shareholders meeting with 6 months

June 1st.

Filing corporate income tax returns previous year


Delay settlement until May 1st next year

June 1st.

Establishment of the company, the input of the private company in the enterprise

Entrepreneurs who wish to bring the entrepreneurship into a private company with retrospective from January 1st.


November 1st.

Drawing up the annual accounts if the general shareholders meeting has granted delay.




Submit and pay payroll tax declaration

Clients with staff

providing payslips, payroll tax and filing payroll tax


Filing and paying sales tax declaration

Clients with monthly sales tax report

Taking care of the financial statements, filing sales tax


Filing and paying sales tax declaration

Clients with quarterly sales tax report

Taking care of the financial statements, filing sales tax


*) Action should normally be done before the specified date.


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